The latest recruit to our French Foreign Legion, PE Joubert is a man who balances Gallic charm and blistering talent with an effortless panache. (What is the French word for panache?)
His background in motion graphic design has given him a painstaking approach to every frame he creates. Combining this craft with an innate understanding of the rhythms of good storytelling, he’s successfully made the move into live action film making, building a reel of music promos, 3D Animation projects and outstanding commercials. He’s won two D&AD Graphite Pencils and 17 (yes, seventeen!) Cannes Lions, plus Sharks, Clios and LIAs amongst others.
His most recent short film “A Girl & A Gun” really should have two posters to adequately display all the awards and film festival laurels he’s earned.
And if you’ve ever had a tattoo on a foreign holiday you need to check out his 2022 commercial for DuoLingo. It could spare you a lot of embarrassment next time you are flexing at the gym.